Latest Update from Kiddikicks
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We hope you are healthy, safe and feeling the urge to play Kiddikicks again soon!
During the last couple of weeks we have been working hard to get back up and running in July.
Whilst there is a steady easing of measures, we need the London parks we operate in, to re-issue licences and permits to Kiddikicks. Please rest assured discussions have started and we are in the process of sharing with them our Methods, Safe Systems and necessary Policy to continue to minimise the risks presented by Covid-19.
To update you further - once we have a concrete yes from the parks, we will be in touch with you to let you know how we will be keeping your child safe and the details of your Summer Term.
We are all raring to go, and hopefully just have to wait a little longer for the final jigsaw piece!
Healthy wishes, from us all Kiddikicks.